Who we BECOME is just as important as what we achieve.
The Mission of North Lakes Academy is to graduate students who are confident, skilled scholars and citizens. Our expectation is that students and teachers excel in core academic and artistic disciplines, develop a sense of purpose and path, and value a united community built through appreciation of diversity.
In addition to the "Achieving" curriculum strategy focused on growth in the core academic subjects, the "Becoming" curriculum strategy is focused on helping us all find our path and purpose, as well as preparing students for college and career in the 21st Century.
We are excited to add the following 6-12th grade courses to help students answer the questions Who am I? What do I want? How do I get it? and What will I become? as we continue developing our self-awareness, community, worldview, and leadership skills:

6th Grade (How do I Prepare?)
Students will:
Learn the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Own their own decisions
Understand what is expected of them in Middle School

7th Grade (How do I Apply?)
Students will:
Becoming an Upstander
Being Kind to Ourselves
Resolving Conflicts Peacefully
Responding with Kindness
Active Listening
Communicating Effectively
Coping With Stress
Understanding Each Other

8th Grade (Who am I?)
T.L.C. - Thinking, Learning, Communicating
Students will:
Become more aware of how our thinking governs our experience
Understand that what we see is what we get
Learn from our mistakes and move outside our comfort zones
Become more aware of roadblocks to success and how to reduce self-limiting messages, beliefs, and negativity
Help others succeed, communicate "you matter", honor the absent, and see the problem-own the problem
Students will also:
Become more aware of how the social media revolution reminds us that we are what we like, we become who we follow, and that we grow the more we connect
Get exposed to digital tools that can enhance thinking, learning, and communicating
Learn how to program our own thinking, learning, and communicating

9th Grade (How do I Achieve?)
Students will...
Become more aware of who they are as a Thinker, Learner and Communicator in high school
Build academic tool boxes with EQ principles to become achieving students in high school
Develop Star Qualities through choices and decisions in high school
Identify roadblocks that get in the way of their achievement and learn how to resolve, reduce and eliminate those roadblocks
Apply school skills to assist on their academic and emotional quotient journey through high school
Topics covered:
High School Expectations – school/learning smarts in class & culture; achievement habits
How students can meet expectations - study skills, test strategies, organization
How students apply expectations - note-taking strategies, overcoming failure
How students apply expectations with others - cooperative activities, conflict management

10th Grade (What Do I want?)
Students will . . .
Envision their futures and seek out networking opportunities.
Explore college and career possibilities.
Evaluate passions, interests, strengths that match to careers.
Build upon business writing skills and communication.
Interview using Star Qualities.
Track progress toward college and career readiness skills.
Create digital resumes/portfolios.

11th Grade (How Do I Get It?)
Students will . . .
Visit public, private, and community colleges.
Investigate college matches, admission process, essays, financial aid, scholarships, college life, and post-secondary opportunities
Apply using digital resumes

12th Grade (Who Will I Become?)
SENIOR SEMINAR: The Human Experience (Worldview)
Students will . . .
Think critically about the human experience through literature and philosophy
Explore other walks of life through service learning projects
Continue developing leadership and life skills by shadowing career mentors
We're inspired by and working with:
CommonBond Communities, MDA
Muscle Team, Salvation Army,
Homeless Memorial, Sharing and
Caring Hands, and Neighborhood House.